“The world will never change as slowly as it does today.” You know the corresponding keywords such as digitisation, automation, globalisation, etc. The employees in the companies are the ones who must manage this change in order to make the company successful in the long term. Now this is nothing fundamentally new, but the speed of change has increased significantly. Your biggest competitor in a year is perhaps a start-up that is just being founded.
This confronts employees with major challenges. The company’s task is to make its employees fit for this change so that they can master these challenges well. This involves of course administrative or technical content, such as new computer programs, new machines, new workflows, etc.
But it’s also about the employees themselves and their personal skills:
– Building up and permanently retaining the will and the ability to perform
– Building resilience
– Reduce stress, pressure and hecticness
– Focus and concentration to “deliver” in the decisive moments
– Recognizing and adequately managing emotions
– Communicating successfully
– Recognizing your own strengths, values and priorities and living and working according to them
– Balance of private and professional life
– Ultimately be able to lead yourself and others well
“Perform in the storm”
Only those who have sufficient personal energy and who are able to lead themselves well will be able to lead others well. And only he/she will remain calm and in control, even in difficult situations, in order to make the right decisions. Stress, restlessness, nervous hectic and bad communication lead to wrong decisions. Stress can be defined as a subjective lack of personal energy to master a particular situation. This is where my training starts! My seminars show the participants how to get the necessary energy they need to perform at their best – but without burning out. With a holistic, implementable and sustainable concept, all dimensions of individual performance are conveyed, trained and improved:
– Physical energy
– Mental Energy
– Emotional Energy
– Purposeful energy
With these four dimensions of personal energy you create the foundation:
– 100% Energy = 100% Life – and thus 100% Performance
But in professional life you can only be successful in a team. In addition to this personal energy, communicative energy is also trained – because only in successful interaction with others you can really make a difference. The ability to communicate successfully is considered to be the key competence in the future – especially for managers and employees in sales.
A company is only as successful as its employees.
Would you like
– More employee performance?
– More employee motivation?
– More employee loyalty?
Then please feel free to contacted me. I’m more than happy to talk to you.
e-mail: info@friedhelm-simon.com
Mobile: +49 176 / 5062 1391
From practice for practice
You don’t want a theoretical “Bla-Bla”, but contents that help you in your daily (professional) life? You want support and tips that are understandable, comprehensible and realizable. You want a trainer who speaks your language? And you want a sustainable training effect?
Then you’ve come to the right place!
I know the everyday business life of people from over 25 years of experience as a globally working manager and executive. I can communicate my training contents in a credible, pragmatic and authentic way, because I have experienced and mastered all this myself.
Further information can be found at www.friedhelm-simon.com
Friedhelm Simon Training & Coaching
I help specialists and managers who are under a high workload and high pressure to have more personal energy and thus be able to cope better with stress, so that they are motivated again and are able to perform long term – without burning out, but instead feel physically, mentally and emotionally well.