„Unleash the energy“
“Start with the why” has been recommended by Simon Sinek. I`m more than happy to follow this advice. “Unleash the energy” is my personal “Life-Purpose-Statement”. It shows the meaning in my life and in my work: First of all I want to bring my own life energy to full development. I want to act, to move something forward. I want to change the world to a better place and want to get involved. I want to feel my life energy – which means my real life. And I want to spend my limited time on this earth mindful, constructively and positively and leave some traces behind.
Building on this, I would like to help others in my trainings and coaching sessions to discover, increase and live their personal energy as well. In this way I help my clients to discover their own personal way and to find the courage to take the first step.
By the way…. I also offer to develop with my clients their “Life-Purpose-Statement”. This is the compass that can guide you through life.
I teach what I live and I live what I teach.
I finished my vocational training as a business economist. More than 25 years of experience as a manager and leader in the Unilever Group have left their mark on me. I mainly worked in sales, for example as a “Branch Manager”, as a “National Key Account Manager” or as an “International Key Account Manager” responsible for the support of major European and global customers. I have successfully led large teams of employees and small teams of experts. For many years I lived and worked abroad and was part of global multifunctional teams.
I constantly had to deal with high time-pressure/success-pressure, heavy workload, considerable resistance, demanding customers, frequent restructuring and so on. However, I have learned to stay fit, active, motivated, successful and optimistic. I now pass this knowledge on as a trainer and coach. My clients report that I do this successfully, because I can communicate my contents very authentically and credibly. I myself am a good example that it works. My approach is based on values such as respect, tolerance, esteem, authenticity, integrity and personal responsibility. I meet my clients, seminar participants and coaching clients therefore always “at eye level”.
What is also important to me is practical relevance and the feasibility of my trainings. There are no esoteric promises, no magic formulas according to the motto “Happy in two hours” and also no recommendations for exaggerated self-optimization or self-staging. I emphasize that it takes time and patience and that it is work and sometimes also trouble to discover one’s own path in life and then to walk it. But it is worth it. “Know thyself” stood at the entrance of the temple of the Oracle of Delphi. For about 2,500 years, this inscription has illustrated the recommendation for a happy and fulfilled life.
I first started my career as a trainer internally with my employer. Later I started to work as a trainer for other companies as well. I successfully completed a “Train the Trainer” qualification at the IHK Düsseldorf. I have finished an intensive 15 month training to become a “Systemic Business Coach” at the Calumis Academy in Düsseldorf.
Friedhelm Simon
My clients experience me as credible because I myself am a good example that my strategy against stress works quite well. I am 60 years old now – but still full of energy, zest for action and full of joy in life. I pass that on in my trainings! Here are some sporting examples from recent years: